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I'm still reeling after the last month's events. First that wonderful launch in Brisbane, with many old friends and even some ex-students in the audience at Avid Reader bookshop. And another brilliant introduction for Passion Play by Jane Greenwood, who had read it so thoughtfully and perceptively that I found myself seeing things I hadn't realised in writing the book! That was indeed a great night.

Book launches are always such fun - and last night at Paperchain Bookshop in Manuka, Canberra, was no exception. Lovely to catch up with old friends from my own schooldays, as well as ex-students from my teaching life. But sure makes you aware of the passing of the years … !

Another launch of Passion Play over - and what a great night. Readings Bookshop in Carlton is always such a great venue, and Chris Wallace-Crabbe introduced the book to the fifty people there with his usual charm and erudition. I listened, fascinated, as he drew my attention to bits in the book that I'd almost forgotten writing. A lovely crowd to talk to, as I found when I did my own author-speech, and the feedback comments about the book and the evening have been terrific. It's nights like this that make you feel the whole project has been really rewarding!